YMaGiNe - Young Mango Gynecologic Network

YMaGiNe is the group of young MaNGO researchers working in the gynecological-oncological field.
YMaGiNe is an interdisciplinary group involving: Statisticians, Oncologists, Gynecologists, Geneticists, Researchers (Immunologists, Pharmacologists, Biologists, etc.), Radiologists, Radiotherapists. It is open to anyone who whishes to contribute with new ideas.
The group is made up of at least 2 under 40 members per MaNGO center, rappresenting the young researchers of their sites.
Our aim:
Through the sharing and exchange of experiences, ideas and projects, YMaGiNe's objective is to generate study proposals, experiments or activities which promote interaction with experts, professional growth, international openness and progress in the gynecological-oncological research field.
Because unity is strength and young people can contribute with passion and commitment to research!
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine - John Lennon
(Emi, 1971)